Institute for Research in Biomedicine

IRB PhD student receives Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Scholarship

on July 13, 2006

Dirk Baumjohann, PhD student in the group of Dr. Federica Sallusto, has been awarded a prestigious PhD Scholarship by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF), Germany.

Dirk Baumjohann

Dirk Baumjohann

The BIF pays particular attention to the promotion of junior scientists: through travel allowances it assists PhD students and post-doctoral scientists spending short-term practicals or participating in scientific courses. Three times a year, the Foundation awards approximately 15 long-term PhD scholarships focusing on basic research.The BIF PhD scholarships are granted for at least two years and can be extended for an additional twelve months.The BIF has gained an excellent reputation for spotting gifted young scientists. The purpose of the Foundation is the exclusive and direct promotion of basic research in biomedicine. Projects aim to experimentally elucidate the basic phenomena of human life. Botanical and prokaryotic investigations are supported only if they are of general biological importance.

In his project, Dirk aims at establishing an experimental system to study in vivo the requirements for induction of T cell-dependent B cell responses and for maintenance of memory B cells and serum antibody levels.The results obtained by his studies will increase our understanding of the regulation of adaptive immune responses and may lead to the development of more effective vaccines and therapies.

For more info on the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds visit:


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