Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Seminar Held above Monte Carasso

on June 25, 2007

A Signal Transduction Course Held in Monte Carasso June 4th and 5th, 2007

The Curzùtt retreat above Monte Carasso was an ideal setting for an intense seminar on Signal Transduction. The two day course was offered by the IRB and was attended by students from Uni Bern and the IRB. Rolf Spirig,Tatjana Petkovic, Nicole Spiegl,Flurina Clement, Svenja Jünger, Kathrin Gollmer, Thusitha Gajanayake, Christina Helbig, Silvia Volpe,Tiziana Apuzzo,Tito Calì, Olivier Urwyler, José Gorrasi, Priska Lochmatter, Annika Quast. The discussions covered the following topics:


  • Calcium signaling, lipid and protein kinases in cell activation

    • Marcus Thelen (IRB, Bellinzona)
  • Hypoxia and cellular responses to oxygen

    • Christian Frei (Institute of Cell Biology, ETHZ).
  • The mitochondrial death pathway and its regulation in diseases

    • Hans-Uwe Simon (Institute of Pharmacology, University of Berne).
  • Death receptor signaling and cytotoxicity

    • Thomi Brunner (Institute of Pathology, University of Bern).
  • ER stress

    • Maurizio Molinari (IRB,Bellinzona).

Exams were held on the last day of the conference. About the location: the Fondazione Curzùtt – San Barnard was established in 1998 with the aim of reviving the main historic, artistic and scenic features of the “Collina Alta”of Monte Carasso near Bellinzona. The “campus”includes several buildings,a restaurant, youth hostel and seminar rooms.




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