Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Musica e Molecole 5

on December 7, 2007

Musica e Molecole 5 was a challenge shared by Telethon Ticino, the Cantonal Bank, the local television, the IRB and the Science et Cité Foundation. A full orchestra comprised of students at the Accademia Vivaldi played together with a group of young musicians afflicted with rare genetic ailments. The hall of the IRB was absolutely packed with musicians and instruments including three pianos donated for the evening. A large public at the IRB was joined by the television audience of “Buona Sera” with Luca Invernizzi carrying ou interviews between pices of music. Directed by Michele Fedrigotti, the orchestra was joined by two IRB researchers, Thomas Pertel and Martha Neagu on the piano.

Fabio Grassi of the IRB and Monica Raimondi of the Civic Hospital of Lugano presented the scientific content of the evening.


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