Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Join the Team

Students studying in university library

Before considering to apply for a position at the IRB, you are encouraged to read the following advice.

Having an outstanding CV is a very good start but is not sufficient to be short listed for an interview, and is definitely not enough per se to get the position your are applying for. Your motivation and career plan are crucial and will be of high impact on the success of your application. 

In your motivation letter, which has to be written in English, you need to clearly demonstrate why you want to join the IRB and this group of research in particular. Your application should also contain the e-mail addresses of at least two referees.

If you intend to join the IRB, you should wonder not only what the Institute will bring to you but also what You will bring to the Institute. We ask you not only to be self-critical but also to be scientifically critical with your future team. The Institute is looking for good Scientists not for tasks executors.

Working efficiently is more expected than working hard, even if one does not exclude the other and vice versa.

If finally you have the chance to be short listed for an interview, please prepare it. Look all over our website to know the environment surrounding the research group you are applying to, read their last publications, current projects and research networks; study the core facilities available at the Institute. Even if in the job advertisement you have only a few sentences describing your future project, start to think about it, how you would approach it.

In short, applying at the IRB should not be one of the X applications you are writing and sending. Instead, it should be thoroughly prepared.

For applications to the IRB PhD Program there is no official deadline: please contact directly the head of the laboratory you would be interested in, explaining exactly why you are interested specifically in that research and in general in obtaining a PhD. Send a complete CV and names of referees.

Open positions

There are currently no job vacancies. Please check the website at a later date for any future vacancies.

posted on 26.06.2020

Looking for highly motivated PhD Students and Postdoctoral candidates for studies of the immune response and immune memory to human pathogens. A successful candidate will be comfortable working in a dynamic environment with a multi-disciplinary research team and international collaborators, and at effectively communicating results. This role involves the development of cutting-edge technologies and exposure to medically relevant research. Experience in immunological and virological assays, molecular biology, next-generation sequencing and computer programming is a plus but not required. Positions available starting as early as in August of 2020. Please send CV with name of 2 references.

Contact: Davide F. Robbiani, MD, PhD,


posted on 26.06.2020

Positions are available for PhD Student and Postdoctoral level candidates for studies of DNA damage in B lymphocyte cancers (lymphomas). The successful candidate will be part of a small team working at the interface of immunology and cancer. The role involves development of novel techniques and mouse lymphoma models. Experience in molecular biology required, familiarity with next-generation sequencing and computer programming desired but nor required. See Robbiani et al, Cell 2015, Rommel et al, J Exp Med 2017 and Wang et al, J Exp Med 2017. Positions available starting as early as in January of 2021. Please send CV with name of 2 references.

Contact: Davide F. Robbiani, MD, PhD,

