Institute for Research in Biomedicine

2007 Annual Retreat

on May 17, 2007

The annual IRB student retreat was held at the Santa Maria Convent in Bigorio from May 17 to 19.

Santa Maria Convent in Bigorio

Sebastian Amigorena gave a guest lecture to open the event on Thursday evening.On Friday students gave their talks and led discussions on abstracts and posters, and had the possibility of interacting with guest lecturers individually. In the evening a lecture was given by historian Dr. Giuseppe Chiesi of the Office of Culture,Bellinzona.The following day student discussions were followed by guest lecturer Peter Gierschik (Ulm).To conclude the event a hike in the mountains around Bigorio provided a chance to clear the mind and take in the beautiful natural surroundings.

Students: Debora Pinna, Dirk Baumjohann, Mirek Hons, Denise Ferrera, Ulrike Naumann, Thomas Pertel, Omar Vanoni, Rebekka Geiger, Anna Casati, Michael•Schmid, Andrea Riboldi, Sekhar Boddupalli, Nadia Rahm, Christina Helbig, Martha Neagu, Chiara Borsotti, Dior Kingston, Sivia Volpe, Daniel Venetz, Tito Calì, Milena Schiraldi, Riccardo Bernasconi, Tiziana Apuzzo, Katrin Kuscher.


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