Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Boehringer Ingelheim Scholarship to Christina Helbig

on November 17, 2006

Christina Helbig receives a prestigious Boehringer Ingelheim scholarship. Christina Helbig,student in Jeremy Luban’s group, has been awarded a 2 year scholar ship to complete her PhD project called ”Understanding the mechanism of HIV-1 restriction by TRIM-5”.

Christina Helbig The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIF) pays particular attention to the promotion of junior scientists.Three times a year,the Foundation awards approximately 15 long-term PhD scholarships focusing on basic research.The BIF PhD scholarships are granted for at least two years and can be extended for an additional twelve months. The BIF has gained an excellent reputation for spotting gifted young scientists.The purpose of the Foundation is the exclusive and direct promotion of basic research in biomedicine. Projects aim to experimentally elucidate the basic phenomena of human life. The BIF approach to funding young scientists is intended to favor social interac tion between awardees. In fact the BIF has for years omitted the interim report in favor of interactive discussions during regularly scheduled meetings.At these meetings they also provide the awardees with training in science communication and encourage intense, open interaction throughout the scholarship period. Other recent recipients of BIF scholarships at the IRB include Dirk Baumjohann from the group of Federica Sallusto.


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