Institute for Research in Biomedicine

IRB Foundation President, Giorgio Noseda, wins the 2006 SwissAward

on January 17, 2007

The Swiss Awards, handed out for the fifth time since 2002, go to Swiss personalities for their creative, innovative ideas or for their courage.The Swiss of the Year is chosen among 18 candidates by television viewers from across the country.There are six categories: politics, culture, business, society, sport and show business.

The SwissAward ceremony is organised by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation’s radio and television stations, as well as newspaper publishers and lotteries.

Giorgio Noseda, President of the IRB, was awarded the 2006 SwissAward in the Society category for his carreer-long commitment to the fight against cancer.

Professor Giorgio Noseda

Professor Noseda stepped down at the end of 2006 as President of Oncosuisse, a national umbrella organization he founded to coordinate the activities of the three principle organizations engaged in the fight agains Cancer; The Swiss Institute of Applied Cancer Research,The Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research and the Swiss CancerLeague.

For more info:

Giorgio Noseda


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