Institute for Research in Biomedicine

IRB showcased at MUBA

on February 15, 2008

Each year at the MUBA, Switzerlands largest Spring Fair, the host city of Basel invites a different canton and a different nation to present themselves. This year Ticino and Austria were the guests of honor during the trade show. MUBA attracts more than 300’000 visitors.


The large and luminous stand of Ticino was coordinated by the Division of Economic promotion of the Canton, and the design underscored a different view of ticino with the slogan “Ticino is closer than you think”.

Turning the perceptions of Ticino on thier heads, the flooring of the stand depicted a blue sky mottled with white clouds, giving visitors the feeling of walking on air. In the center of the stand were the USI, the SUPSI and the IRB promoting research and education.

The official opening ceremony of the stand and the MUBA were accompanied by traditional ticinese accordion and violin music, and of course the fine Merlot and the excellent dairy products of the Canton were available.

State Councilor of Basel, Carlo Conti, was joined by Cancelliere dello Stato Ticino, Giampiero Gianella to cut the ribbon.

Federal Councilor Samuel Schmidt was on hand to give the opening address for the fair and visited the stand.


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