Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Lanzavecchia Awarded Lumen Claro Prize

on March 31, 2008

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The Premio Lumen Claro 2008 was awarded to Prof. Lanzavecchia for his otstandig scientific work. The Pize is awarded annualy be the Lions Club Varese Prealpi to the person who, through excellence in their field bring attention to the Varese region.

1989 Dr. Alfredo Ambrosetti

1990 Prof. Dante Isella

1991 Dr. Angelo e dr. Alfredo Castiglioni

1992 Signori Rosita e Ottavio Missoni

1993 Maestro Enrico Baj

1994 Prof. Luigi Ambrosoli

1995 Prof. Mario Monti

1996 Ing. Ermanno Mazzocchi

1997 Soprano Barbara Frittoli

1998 Prof.ssa Marta Morazzoni

1999 Conte dr. Giuseppe Panza di Biumo

2000 Maestro Floriano Bodini

2001 Prof. Salvatore Furia

2002 Prof. Francesco Oliari

2003 Maestro Roberto Plano

2004 Prof. Giovanni Reale

2005 Prof. Vittore Frattini

2006 S.E. Cardinale Attilio Nicora

2007 Dr. Pof. Ing. Amalia Ercoli Finzi


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