Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Musica e Molecole 2: A Cosmic Event

on November 17, 2006

It took nearly 4 hours to set up the complex percussion set needed to perform Stockhau sen’s Komet at the second Musica e Molecole, and, strangely, at least as much time to take it down. Prof. Jeremy Luban presented a talk “Ascoltare l’HIV: riflessioni di un ricercatore sull’AIDS” and Fabrizio Rosso and Luca Congedo explained the complex construction of the music of Stockhausen.The musicians created a three dimensional sound using the unique architecture of Palazzo Fabrizia and multiple channel audio.

The Hall of the IRB Institute Clearly a challenging agenda for a cold and rainy Friday night, but the performance was generally viewed as a success by the 60 guests who carried on a lively conversation during the cocktail which followed the event. The next Musica e Molecole is scheduled for Spring 07’ with a lecture by Antonio Lanzavecchia.


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