Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Musica e Molecole 3

on May 17, 2007

The third Musica e Molecole event was held on the evening of the 15th of May. Antonio Lanzavecchia provided a stimulating look at the history of immunology punctuated by stories of individual scientists and their discoveries.The musical portion of the evening was dedicated to Ennio Morricone played by the chamber orchestra Camerata dei Laghi. In addition to the string instruments, two actors and a soprano added a theatrical dimension to both the well known soundtrack repertoire of Morricone as well as his lesser-known works. 

The Hall of the Institute

The three Musica e Molecole events that have been held since last Fall have explored very different types of music; Jazz with a trio of piano,clarinet and bass,Contemporary Music with the electronic percussion of Stockausen, and Modern with the music of Ennio Morricone.

The Future of Musica e Molecole events will be built on the results of these first three experimental evenings that have been generously funded by UBS Bellinzona,BSI, and BancaStato, respectively. A closer integration with the events of the foundation science et cité in Lugano may open new possibilities to expand the accessibility of the events beyond the IRB and beyond Bellinzona.


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